Radio Controlled Soaring Digest November 1988 Issue
Issue Contents:
PC-soar by LJM Associates is reviewed and given good marks for capabilities Klassen a computer novice experienced some problems using the new program.
A l5 hour flight in the quest for a new record (33 hours) is documented. Good reference material for level V LSF task
Flying wing technology discussed. TE requirements
Kincaid’s K3311 airfoil used on Scooter) is similar to E214 airfoil Comparisons shown on plots.
A simple but effective tow hook is shown made from wood and .125 music wire. Hole is drilled at forward angle
Three new highstarts are available from C&D Enterprises for 2M
Quasoar 120″ sailplane from Off the Ground models compared to Windsong.Kit is foam cores
60″ span Orbiter 60 HLG is sown in 2 views and discussed on page 2.Winning design from PASS club in Oregon
Radio Controlled Soaring Digest November 1988 Issue