Stream a Webcam from a Raspberry Pi

I want to stream a USB Webcam from a Raspberry Pi – This is the process I developed to setup the streaming

Engineers Notes on Setup:

NOTE: do not use this to stream to youtube

Assume you have a Pi up and online

Attach USB Camera

Update and Upgrade Pi OS:

     sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change

     sudo apt-get upgrade

Install Apps:

     sudo apt-get install motion

Configure App:

     sudo nano /etc/motion/motion.conf

 Commands needed for nano

     Cntl-O - Write Out = save file
     Cntl-W - Where = Find
     Cntl-X - Exit Nano

Settings in /etc/motion/motion.conf

     daemon = on
     framerate = 1200
     stream_port = 8081
     stream_quality = 100
     stream_localhost = OFF
     webcontrol_localhost = OFF
     quality = 100
     width = 640
     height = 480
     post_capture = 5

Save when setting are set

Configure App

     sudo nano /etc/motion/motion.conf

Settings in /etc/motion/motion.conf

     start_motion_daemon = yes

Save when setting are set

Start the App

     sudo service motion restart
     sudo motion

Verify Stream is working (substitute your PI IP address)