73 Amateur Radio Today – December 1961
Issue Contents:
Write Your Congressman
– Making a pest out of yourself in a big way …… K7HDB 6
Ten Meter Midget Rig
…… K5JKX/6 8
Versatilizing Meters
…… W2WYM 12
Regenative Detectors
…… W5WGF 16
Another Two Meter Conversion
– Conversion of the R-77/aRC-3 Receiver provides continuous coverage from 100 to 156 mc without undue sacrifice of 2 meter bandspread …… W4WKM 22
Economical Custom Construction
– Sturdy professional appearing custom equipment housing made from readily available materials using woodworking tools and techniques …… W4WKM 33
Avoid Precise Inaccuracy
…… K5JKX/6 37
Wayout Measurements
– with close at hand equipment or you to can be standard …… Henry 41
On Soldering
…… K3HNP 43
Two Meter Transceiver
…… WA2INM 45
Capacitor Substitution Box
…… W6AOI 50
– Simple inexpensive small quick …… K5JKX/6 52
73 Tests the Knight R-55 Receiver
…… W3UZN 58
RTTY in the United Kingdom
…… G2UK 62
Propagation Charts
…… K2IGY 64
73 Reviews the QX-535 Receiver
…… K3KMO 66
73 Amateur Radio Today – December 1961