73 Amateur Radio Today – January 1980 Issue
Issue Contents:
NBVM: Dawn of an Era or Promotional Hype?
– the performance and politics of Narrow Band Voice Modulation …… N8RK 30
Frequency Counter Survival Course
– use that gadget wisely …… McClellan 36
DX with a Difference: the Utility Stations
– when the ham bands get frustrating give SWLing a try …… WA3EOP 40
How to Write a RTTY Program
– machine language is easier than you think …… WA4FMZ 46
The Perfect Morse Machine
– send and receive CW with a dedicated micro …… WA5VQK 53
Microcomputers and Your Satellite Station
– part 1: calculating orbital crossing data …… WB8DQT 63
A Brasspounder Improves Heath’s HR-1680
– add a crystal CW filter bfo noise blanker and more …… KA5N 76
The Dollar-saver DVM
– 3 1/2- digit unit features autopolarity auto-zero and a $30 price tag …… McClellan 83
Personalize Your Repeater with a Voice ID
– low-cost design uses 8-track decks …… K9EID 92
The Nearly Perfect WE-800
– add an on-board charger a TT pad and …… K1OTW 96
How to Make Your Own Crystal Filters
– requires considerable patience but very few bucks …… Staff 98
The Procrastinator’s Special: A Simple Six-band Antenna
– this 10-160 end-fed vee goes up in a jiffy …… W6TKA/0 106
They Don’t Make ‘Em like They Used To
– home-brewing a hard-to-find neutralizing cap …… W2OLU 108
The Europa-b Two Meter Transverter
– work OSCAR and 2m SSB with this British import …… G3ZCZ 110
Zero In on Zero Beat
– an easy-to-make vernier for your tube-type oscillator …… W2OLU 112
CB-to-10 FM
– best conversion yet? …… K1DCS N1XN W1WRO/n2XN 117
Home-brew Holders for Icom Portables
– keeps your IC-502 -202 or -215 on the level …… KH6IAA 131
Catch You on the Flip-flop
– add a handy repeater reverse switch to your Memorizer …… K7ACN 132
Personality Plus for your Repeater
– this low-budget voice IDer will really wow ’em …… K9EID 136
A Better Overvoltage Protection Circuit
– the original was good …this version is better …… W7RXV 140
73 Amateur Radio Today – January 1980 Issue