73 Amateur Radio Today – January 1998

73 Amateur Radio Today – January 1998

Issue Contents:

Get Active!

– A nice amp project for building your own active antenna …… W2GOM 10

Upgrading the 209

– Add this simple resistance meter to your MFJ antenna analyzer …… KG5CM 15

Five-band Magnetic: Loop Antenna

– Build a loop for QRP and tune it up just right …… K2KSY/hL9BK

Electronic Construction from A to Z Part 3

– Everything you wanted to know about building stuff but were afraid to ask …… AA0XI/vK5FN 22

Mount Up!

– Try this easy cell phone-to-2m antenna conversion …… WQ3A 28

73’s DX Dynasty Award

– Winners and countries list …… Staff 36

73’s 1997 Annual Index

– In full glory …… Staff 41

Publish or Perish

– There’s something in this reprinted article for every club …… N1BLH 66

SatTrack: Automatic Antenna Tracking For the Rest of Us

– Enjoy tracking satellites even if you don’t have a trust fund …… KA0SNL 32

Marsha and Me

– Making friends via hamming …… WF6P 64

No-honestly! I’m Not a Pirate!

– A tale of travail from a British Novice …… 2E1DPG 70

73 Amateur Radio Today – January 1998

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