73 Amateur Radio Today – May 2003

73 Amateur Radio Today – May 2003

Issue Contents:

Tunable Broadcast Band Filter

– Another great project from K8ZOA …… K8ZOA 10

How to Avoid a Disaster Disaster

– And how about putting the field back in Field Day? …… WB9YBM 22

Ready Set… Don’t Go?

– The time for preparation to be a meaningful participant in the next emergency situation is before the event occurs …… AA2JZ 23

‘Quaker Oaths

– In 1989 the ARS came through… is it still ready? …… WA6ITF 24

Ham vs. Power Outage

– Here’s a solution that will warm your heart -as well as your wife’s toes …… WA9PYH 26

Travels with Henryk -part 12

– Have some Madeira m’ dear? …… SM0JHF 34

How’s That Thing Really Work Anyway?

– Part 2: Transmitters …… AA2JZ 37

The History of Ham Radio

– Part XV …… W9CI 39

73 Amateur Radio Today – May 2003

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