73 Amateur Radio Today – September 1976

73 Amateur Radio Today – September 1976

Issue Contents:

Balloon to Balloon!

– another 73 first …… W2NSD/1 20

The Surprising DORA Low Noise Antenna

– part II …… Boyer 34

Ultrasimple Regulation with New IC

– power supply design greatly simplified …… WB0JLS 48

Can An Indoor Antenna Work?

– making the best of a bad bargain …… Staff 56

12 Inexpensive Volts for Your Base Station

– parts right out of your local Radio Shack …… WA8WVF 60

A Test Lab Bonanza

– using a transistor radio …… WA7SCB 64

Protect Your VHF Converter

– with a novel antenna relay …… WB2NTP 68

Ridiculously Simple RTTY System

– get on the air in one day …… W3KBM 70

How to Catch a CBer

– practical hints …… Fields 74

A 450 MHz Transceiver for Under $130

– bringing 450 within everyone’s reach …… W1HCI K1ELT 80

Space Age Junque II

– updating the 348 by 30 years …… W9CGI 84

PROM Memory Revisited

– getting back to May’s CW blockbuster …… WA6VVL 92

What’s When

– timing diagrams …… Craig 104

Eight Trace Scope Adapter

– test accessory for digital timing …… Johnson 108

The PROM Zapper

– build this simple PROM programmer …… WA1UFE 112

Sneaky Baudot

– with an ASCII keyboard! …… W3KBM 115

Simple Graphics Terminal

– using inexpensive surplus equipment …… K1MRK Ciarcia 116

Counters Are Not Magic

– They’re Simple – getting right down to basics …… WB2NEL 126

73 Amateur Radio Today – September 1976

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