Boy’s Life – 1951-09 – Neckerchief Slide of the Month – First Aid Kit

Boy’s Life – 1951-09 – Neckerchief Slide of the Month – First Aid Kit

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Boy's Life - 1951-09 - Neckerchief Slide of the Month - First Aid Kit
Neckerchief Slide of the Month – First Aid Ki

A Functional (limited) Neckerchief Slide – A First Aid Kit, with a few supplies

It has the universal symbol for a first aid kit – the red cross

Unlikely to get the exact container used in the article, but just able and container with a recloseble lid that is the right size will work

An altoids tin would be a good container and readily available, as well as small salt and pepper shakers

These articles led to a monthly column in Boy’s Life – The Slide of the Month by Whittlin Jim Column

W Ben Hunt created the Whittlin Jim and Lone Eagle names, and published articles under all three name – Ben Hunt wrote 2-4 articles per month for Boy’s Life, and I think he created the Whittlin Jim and Lone Eagle to make is seem like there were multiple authors writing the articles

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Boy’s Life – 1951-09 – Neckerchief Slide of the Month – First Aid Kit

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