
Aliexpress Orders Search Disabled

So, Aliexpress has disabled the ability to search past orders

What is their motive?

Aliexpress is another company that has made a change without thinking how it will affect their customers

Aliexpress allow an order to include many items from many stores in a single order, but their orders list only display the first few items in an order

So on orders with 5+ items, you must open the order to see what items were purchased with the order

I think they are trying to win the ‘least user friendly website’ award

Why is this a problem?

If I have done the research to find the item that meets my requirements, and I need to order this item again, I have to either do the research again, or open every order I’ve made to find the item

WOW, what a mistake for Aliexpress, and actions like this is why a lot of former customers are moving to TEMU.com

Aliexpress Orders Search Disabled
Aliexpress Orders Search Disabled

Live Stream Video to Youtube with a Raspberry Pi

I wanted to live stream video to youtube using a Raspberry Pi

Engineering Notes

Update Raspberry PI OS

sudo apt-get update –allow-releaseinfo-change

sudo apt-get upgrade

Install a Raspberry Pi Camera

Test to be sure camera is setup correctly

vcgencmd get_camera

EXPECTED OUTPUT – supported=1 detected=1

If detected = 0, reseat ALL of the connection on the Pi camera


Main Board Ribbon connector

Camera Ribbon connector

Camera Module on the Camera Board

A loose cable is the #1 cause of detected=0

Turn off the webcam service

sudo service webcamd stop I

Start a live session on your youtube account

Stream from the Raspberry Pi

raspivid -o – -t 0 -fps 25 -g 50 -n -a 12 -b 5000000 | ffmpeg -re -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -f h264 -thread_queue_size 256 -i – -vcodec copy -acodec aac -ab 128k -strict experimental -f flv rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2/youtube-code

Stream a Webcam from a Raspberry Pi

I want to stream a USB Webcam from a Raspberry Pi – This is the process I developed to setup the streaming

Engineers Notes on Setup:

NOTE: do not use this to stream to youtube

Assume you have a Pi up and online

Attach USB Camera

Update and Upgrade Pi OS:

     sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change

     sudo apt-get upgrade

Install Apps:

     sudo apt-get install motion

Configure App:

     sudo nano /etc/motion/motion.conf

 Commands needed for nano

     Cntl-O - Write Out = save file
     Cntl-W - Where = Find
     Cntl-X - Exit Nano

Settings in /etc/motion/motion.conf

     daemon = on
     framerate = 1200
     stream_port = 8081
     stream_quality = 100
     stream_localhost = OFF
     webcontrol_localhost = OFF
     quality = 100
     width = 640
     height = 480
     post_capture = 5

Save when setting are set

Configure App

     sudo nano /etc/motion/motion.conf

Settings in /etc/motion/motion.conf

     start_motion_daemon = yes

Save when setting are set

Start the App

     sudo service motion restart
     sudo motion

Verify Stream is working (substitute your PI IP address)


Raspberry Pi Update Error


This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details


sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change

What does this do:
           Allow the update command to continue downloading data from
           a repository which changed its information of the release 
           contained in the repository indicating e.g a new major 
           release. APT will fail at the update command for such 
           repositories until the change is confirmed to ensure the
           user is prepared for the change. See also apt-secure(8) 
           for details on the concept and configuration

Ubuntu SFTP file transfer with Resume Transfers and Not Overwrite existing files – Easy Method

I wanted to transfer a lot of files and resume any failed file transfers and not overwrite duplicate files

After searching the ‘Net and finding a LOT of recommended methods, I found a simple method the did not overwrite existing files, and resumed any partial files, but updated all changed files

SFTP using startup options to determine how to handle file transfer

sftp -a -r user@site.com

tells sftp to resume file transfers and copy recursively

Problem solved, now I can upload a directory to my site and have only new files transfer’ed, and also have sub directories copied

This allows me to develop files on my development servers, and easily upload all new files to my production server