Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Mega 2560 20×4 Display Setup

Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Mega 2560 20×4 Display Setup

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Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Parts
Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Parts

Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Mega 2560 20×4 Display Setup

The Piper 1v2 build is at the stage where the electronics need assembled

The Assembly steps would be the same for just about any 3d printer build

Required parts for Ramps 1.6 electronics Build

1 – Ramps 1.6 board
15 – jumpers for Ramps 1.6 board
1 – Mega2560
5 – A4988 Green Stepper Controllers
5 – heat sinks for A4988 Green Stepper Controllers
1 – 20x4 Smart Graphics Controller

All the Required Parts

Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Parts
Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Parts

Before starting this assembly, I programmed the Mega2560 with Marlin 1.1.19

Setup a 3D printer with Marlin 1.1.9
Setup a 3D printer with Marlin 1.1.9

All header pins should be inspected to ensure they were not bent in shipping – very common issue!

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Bent Pins
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Bent Pins

If any pins are bent GENTLY straighten the pins

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Unbent Pins
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Unbent Pins

It is very common for headers to be misaligned so the pins on the Ramps 1.6 shield do not line up

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Header
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Header

If any pins are bent GENTLY straighten the headers

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Unbent Header
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Unbent Header

Line up the Header Pins on the Ramps 1.6 shield with the headers on the Mega2560

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Header line Up
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Header line Up

Gently insert the Ramps 1.6 shield into the Mega 2560 Headers

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Insert Ramps Board
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Insert Ramps Board

I am using DRV8825(Purple) Stepper Drivers for the Ramps 1.6 Shield, also available are A4988 (red) and A4988 (green) Stepper Drivers

Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.5 Parts
Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.5 Parts Assembly
Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.4 Parts
Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.4 Parts

The stepper drivers need installed on the Ramps 1.6 Shield, verify the pins are all straight, and headers are all straight

Determine the orientation of the stepper drivers by verify the location of the ENABLE (EN) pin on the stepper driver and the Ramps 1.6 header

Piper 1v2 3D Printer Stepper Controller EN Pin
Piper 1v2 3D Printer Stepper Controller EN Pin
Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Using a Magnifying Glass to Find the Enable Pin
Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Using a Magnifying Glass to Find the Enable Pin

If the Stepper Driver is not installed correctly, the Stepper Driver will be ruined when power is applied, so lining up the EN Header/Pin is extremely Important – Install all 5 Stepper Drivers, they should all be installed in the same orientation

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Stepper Controller Installed
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Stepper Controller Installed

The Stepper Controllers get hot when in use, so they normally come with a heatsink, Peel the paper off the bottom to expose the adhesive

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Peel Off Sticky Cover
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Peel Off Sticky Cover

And install on the largest chip on the Stepper Driver

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Heat Sinks Installed
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Heat Sinks Installed

If you are using the 20×4 Graphics Controller

Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Parts
Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Parts Using 2004 Graphics Controller

The Smart Graphics Controller comes with 2 ribbon cables and a Ramps Adapter

Piper 1v2 3D Printer 2004 Smart Graphics Controller
Piper 1v2 3D Printer 2004 Smart Graphics Controller

The ribbon cables are keyed, as are the headers, so the ribbon cables can only be inserted one way

Piper 1v2 Graphics Cable Key
Piper 1v2 Graphics Cable Key

Insert the Ramps/Graphics Adapter on the Ramps 1.6 Shield, the Adapter is L shaped, and has a single row of headers on the long side of the L, and a double row of headers on the short side of the L
Gently insert the Graphics Adapter on the Ramps 1.6 Shield, being careful line up the pins

Piper 1v2 Graphics Header
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Graphics Header
Piper 1v2 Graphics Header Installed
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Graphics Header Installed

Install the ribbon cables on the Graphics Adapter, using the keys to get the right orientation of the cables

Piper 1v2 Graphics Cable Orientation
Piper 1v2 Graphics Cable Orientation

Its best the lay out the cables in parallel to the Smart Graphics Controller, keeping them side by side (not crossed) and connect them to the Smart Graphics Controller

Piper 1v2 Graphics Cable Orientation
Piper 1v2 Graphics Cable Orientation

At this stage, you can test the setup by connecting the USB cable to the Mega2560, if have already installed Marlin, you will see a live screen

Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Assembled
Piper 1v2 Ramps 1.6 Assembled

If you get a Marlin display on the Smart Graphics Controller, you have validated the Mega2560, Ramps 1.6 and 20×4 mart Graphics Controller

This does NOT validate the Stepper Drivers

Video of the Piper Ramps 1.6 assembly process

Piper 1v2 3D Printer Ramps 1.6 Mega 2560 20×4 Display Setup

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