Radio Controlled Soaring Digest August 1988 Issue
Issue Contents:
George has ideas on spars with improved strength. Looks controversial George wants to put the strength members vertical.
Stabilizer hord bearing shown and trailing edge construction methods shown Good ideas from a champion.
Cases for soaring gear by Matrix are shown. Size selection is large Transmitter cases to wings and other sizes as well.
ASW-20 kit by American Sailplane Designs for $275 is very nice and large Much room is provided inside fuselage
Joe sets a new FAI
Big Wing by Carl Boddie of Houston TX reviewed and flown. Foam constrn. Inj. foam with plastic leading edge. Flat glide! ARF too! 40 oz $45
88 National Mid Columbia RC Soarig Scale Fun Fly and Soaring Social Richmond slope looks ideal 40 deg
Talk of Arizona activity. Piano hinge air brakes are described – no diag. Ref. to Kit Planes article on leading edge droop. Articles to follow.
Directions to slopes in Arizona w/ descriptions given + photos of activity. Geier Flying Wing
MARCS Symposium
Bill Kuhlman and large F.wing at Richland OR slope. Article follows Continued on page 7.
Radio Controlled Soaring Digest August 1988 Issue