Radio Controlled Soaring Digest January 2005 Issue
Issue Contents: lists information about soaring in Hong Kong and Japan. Most interesting was the section on RC Sailplane manufacturers.
Greg describes how Daryl Perkins figured out where the lift was and ignored Std. Class Ships in the wrong area of the sky.
Jim Marske is a designer of full size flying wings. His XM-1 flew in 1957. His latest is the Pioneer IV 16.6 m span 2 place trainer. Progress can be seen on the internet. Coverage of a trip to the Marske facility near Marion OH Icebreaker discussion focused on misconceptions about tailless aircraft. Bill and Mark Nankivil had helpful suggestions comments having experience. Photos of Pioneer III (under construction) Pioneer II-d (under tow and landing).
F5-s is for electrical rechargeable power systems. The record is for goal and return record of 20.02 km which was ratified to Juri Laidna of Estonia. A second record was for F5-s all sources of electric power 41.14 km also to Juri Laidna.
Dave talks about the history of the event and wonders why it isnt more popular. Javelin Launch hurt shoulders DLG improved that but 30 second dead air times are common. DLG needed some redesign such as sub-rudders. Dave favors the XP3 and 4 design by Catch to relaunch times can be as low as 2-3 seconds. See videos at Presets can replace gyros with newer designs. A neutral point CG can minimize the need to presets.
John talks about an annual slope soaring event off the tip of New Zealand at Hermanus on Walker Bay on the Southern Cape Coast. URLs given for local clubs.
Calgary Ontario Canada offers options for slope and thermal glider
Two applications for F3B (Glider) goal and Return: Gary Fogel 25.6 km Frederic Jacques and Thierry Regis 7.14 km.
New events suggested: (1)maximum altitude gain event (2) A Cheap SOB event where the winner is determined by Max Points / MSRP$ of equipment (3) Flamingoid RES event where the planes must resemble birds (4) Scale like Flamingoid except models must look like fish (5) NSP cup to model which can still thermal while carrying the most servos each one operating a function (5) Lawn Dart Jettison Wing event (6) Ornithopter a thermal duration event for the techies (7) Lawn Dart event where wing is jettisoned right after launch (8) Concours de Stupidite for the most stupid way to crash.
Starting of the 22nd year includes a number of international articles. A solicitation is made for contributors for a column on using tools. Also plan to offer an authors kit including what people need to know.
Photo of Daves A-4 Douglas Skyhawk over Lake Ontario is on the cover. The model is covered in detail on page 4. Dave had been looking for a delta wing model. Yellow Aircraft sold Dave an A4 kit with FG fuselage and balsa sheeted white foam wings for ducted fan power. Dave didnt install the ducted fan or the landing gear to keep things light for the slope. All modifications are listed. Removable wings and stab. Finishing details given. Plane needs ballast and in the form of stronger formers and glass reinforcement inside the fuselage.
Radio Controlled Soaring Digest January 2005 Issue